Train Conductor World Update #21

September 6, 2023

Once again, we've teamed up with The Voxel Agents, Aussie legends behind The Gardens Between and Puzzle Retreat, to further refresh their already popular mobile game Train Conductor World!

The Voxel Agents have just released a big update to this game, introducing new gameplay and Quality of Life features, and of course some new sounds from us! We previously worked with The Voxel Agents on Train Conductor World in 2020 on their version 18 update. Returning to this project felt seamless, and it was great to be able to build on top of our earlier sound effects for all the new and expanded features introduced in version 21.

Update #21 is here! Hop aboard the Platinum Express with 2x faster tracks that go anywhere - even through mountains! Boost your "Rail Repute" for better tiles. Explore Rome, Meteora, Cappadocia, and a new port in Bucharest. More cargo slots = more coins. Update now for a first-class journey with Train Conductor World!

Download and play Train Conductor World for free on Google Play and the App Store

Train Conductor World is a high-speed train traversal puzzler; trundle, turn and track in this spectacular European adventure! Conduct and control the tracks, manage movement and watch your rail network grow. You’ll need nerves of steel and snappy strategy to keep the chaos under control. Be on high-alert for explosive crashes, near-misses and split-second situations. Adventure across new terrain and connect the wonders of the European continent. Your trains will be barreling across the canals of Amsterdam, zooming around the Arc De Triomphe in Paris and navigating the perilous peak of the Matterhorn. Customise your trains to optimise your railway—use rocket boosters, star medallions and more to speed up your deliveries. It all counts when you’re growing the biggest railway in the world!
